Naviextras free maps europe

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I got a card with the new car but no additional information explaining exactly what is covered. Off topic I know, but the AA membership is similar. How would Naviextras even know when any particular car had been sold/registered? Cars could sit in a dealer's compound for months before being sold (not so likely now I concede with the shortage of new cars!). If they are supposed to offer updates for 90 days, where does it state this? I received absolutely nothing with the car other than the brief update process mentioned in the handbook. It only has a few categories and isn't a patch of any TOMTOM POI nor the built in system I had on my previous Jaguar XF. When I went through the update process, all Naviextras offered for free was an update to the POI file, which I've found is pretty useless anyway. I haven't been offered a free update even within 90 days of sale and the maps on my new car delivered June 2021 are over a year out of date.

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